I am so proud to announce the newest addition to our family! Landon Carter was born on October 2, 2014. He was born at exactly 41 weeks and weighed 7lbs and 15oz. He has brought us such joy. It's been so much fun having another boy in the family, because my first born son is now 11. Following my first born son came 2 girls, so it's been a while since I have bought baby boy clothes.
I think the best part about having a new baby in the family is just watching him grow and add beautiful memories to keep dear to our hearts. I started to cloth diaper Landon right from birth. Cloth diapering has been going awesome! I absolutely love to cloth diaper! I even use cloth wipes which helps to save us even more money! My current Cloth Diaper stash consists of pretty much all FuzziBunz.
I do have to admit that I am not very fond of their new sizing on their "One Size" cloth diapers. They use to be pretty large and so you could downsize them pretty well, but now they are very trim and are much smaller. I am definitely needing to find another brand that I like, because these will simply not work out well for us. FuzziBunz One Size cloth diapers has what they call "S" or "L" One Size. To me that is not a true "One Size."
I am hoping to try out a few brands to see what works best for us. It's been only 1 year between potty training Brooklyn and giving birth to Landon, but I guess the cloth diaper companies have changed their patterns since that time.